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some networks dont allow you to login directly through the wifi terminal and you need to establish some WPA-EAP key…

   #### vi /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

To install AXI on a raspberry pi you need to install shapely, but shapely fails because of an OSError: Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants…

pip install shapely

So - How to install geos on raspberry pi

sudo apt-get install libgeos++

finally you need to download the axi repository (https://github.com/fogleman/axi) and install it via setup.py

cd /DownloadFolderWithYourAxi/setup.py install
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

pip install --upgrade google-cloud-vision

to use it you need to point to your key:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/gcloudstuff/apikey.json

This is fine until you reboot. If you'd like this to be permanent, then you can instead do

nano ~/.profile

, and paste export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/gcloudstuff/apikey.json at the bottom. Exit and save, then do:

source ~/.bashrc


pip install --upgrade watson-developer-cloud

Install tweepy

Before you can use tweepy, you need to get it onto your Pi. Fortunately, it’s a Python extension, so easy to install.

sudo apt-get update

updates Raspbian package lists

sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip install pip and dev

(You may not need python-dev for pip and tweepy, but I installed it anyway.) Update Jan 2015: I’ve just tried to install tweepy and it failed. The reason appears to be an older version of pip in the Raspbian repo. You can get round this with…

sudo pip install -U pip

(this will uninstall pip and replace it with a version that works). …before you install tweepy.

sudo pip install tweepy

install tweepy itself You now have all you need to make your Python script talk to twitter.

Install pandas

sudo apt-get install python-pandas


Unicorn <3

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  • Zuletzt geändert: 2018/05/20 08:52
  • von spitz