Overview: HEX FLOWER CLOCK is a mesmerizing digital art project that blurs the lines between timekeeping and visual artistry. This innovative creation showcases an ever-changing display of colors that shift gracefully every 10 seconds, creating a living canvas of dynamic hues.
Key Features:
Dynamic Color Palette: HEX FLOWER CLOCK's most striking feature is its constantly evolving color palette. Every 10 seconds, the display transforms, painting a vivid new picture of time passing.
Time and Date Integration: A QR code cleverly integrated into the artwork provides a real-time glimpse of the current time and date. Simply scan the code to stay in sync with the world.
Randomly Generated Hex Values: The project harnesses the magic of randomness, generating hex color values that seamlessly blend together to create an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of visual delight.
Pixel Flowers: Scattered across the display, pixelated flowers bloom and transform in tandem with the passage of time. Watch as they dance and change colors, adding a touch of natural beauty to the digital canvas.
HEX FLOWER CLOCK is a testament to the fusion of technology, art, and time itself. It invites viewers to immerse themselves in the timeless wonder of color and movement while staying firmly rooted in the present moment. Explore this living masterpiece and let time blossom before your eyes.
Marco Spitzarth, 2015 ©
$ab = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbeab = dechex($ab);
$bc = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbebb = dechex($bc);
$cd = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbecb = dechex($cd);
$farbehexx = $farbeab . $farbebb . $farbecb;
$aa = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbea = dechex($aa);
$bb = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbeb = dechex($bb);
$cc = mt_rand(16,255);
$farbec = dechex($cc);
$farbehex = $farbea . $farbeb . $farbec;
$mix = ($ab + $aa) /2;
$mixr= dechex($mix);
$mix1 = ($bc + $bb) /2;
$mixg= dechex($mix1);
$mix2 = ($cd + $cc) /2;
$mixb= dechex($mix2);
$farbemix = $mixr . $mixg . $mixb;
$hoch = mt_rand(20,180);
$im = imagecreate(350, $hoch);
$farbefull = imagecolorallocate ($im, $ab, $bc, $cd);
imagefill ($im, 0, 0, $farbefull);
imagepng($im, "im_test.png");
$hoch1 = (200 - $hoch);
$im1 = imagecreate(350, $hoch1);
$farbefull1 = imagecolorallocate ($im1, $aa, $bb, $cc);
imagefill ($im1, 0, 0, $farbefull1);
imagepng($im1, "im_test1.png");
$zufallszahl = rand(39,390);
$zahl = decbin($zufallszahl);
$zone = date_default_timezone_set('UTC+1');
$datum = date ('d M Y');
$datum1 = date ('H \: i \: s');
$qrin = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=350x350&cht=qr&chl=$datum$datum1&chld=M|1";
$qrbulla = " src='$qrin' width='150' alt='QR - ibulla'";